(207) 627-4780

Join Our Staff FAQs


Building a cohesive team is key to our success as a camp. We want you to be right for Agawam, and we want Agawam to be right for you. No matter how much experience you have as a leader, an educator, or even an Agawam camper, being a counselor here is a unique experience. Here’s our best attempt to answer some of the questions you might have, but please feel free to contact us with any other questions.

What are the responsibilities of a cabin counselor?
As a cabin counselor, you are a role model, mentor, and leader to all Agawam campers. Your primary responsibility will be to work with a group of 4 to 8 boys to produce a cohesive cabin group. Cabin counseling is one of the most rewarding, but potentially challenging, parts of your job as you will be responsible for a cabin, possibly with a co-counselor, and you will be responsible for connecting with your campers, overseeing their health and safety, maintaining cabin neatness, solving camper problems, ensuring group unity, assigning and evaluating weekly personal character goals, supervising junior staff, and communicating with parents and the camp administration. Additionally, you are also expected to share in a weekly campus duty rotation.
What other responsibilities will I have?
All counselors work as activity counselors in addition to staffing a cabin. As an activity counselor, you are expected to be able to plan and to teach at least one camp activity. Although you may not be the activity head, there may be periods when you are expected to lead an activity. All staff members are responsible for record keeping, the maintenance of facilities and equipment, and participating in activity skits and presentations
When will I be expected at camp?
Staff members typically are expected to be at camp during the second week of June for the start of 8 days of staff orientation and training, which allows everyone time to grow as a team, learn about Agawam’s traditions and expectations, discuss child and group development principles, practice counseling skills, learn emergency procedures, and prepare the campus for the arrival of campers. Staff members remain at camp for one day after the campers depart to help break down camp and put everything away for the winter.
What are the other staff members like?
Our staff members are typically college students, recent graduates, or teachers between the ages of 18 and 30. Each summer, we hire roughly 65 staff, 40 of whom are cabin and activity counselors. Usually more than 60% are former campers or staff members. About 10% are international staff.
What are the campers like?
We enroll about 130 boys ranging in age from 8 to 15. They come from more than 20 states and around a half dozen countries. We are very proud that over 75% of our campers return each summer, and that many are second and third generation campers!
What will I be paid?
Agawam’s pay is competitive with other summer camps. Salaries increase based on age, experience, and additional responsibilities. In addition to your pay, you receive room, board, and free laundry service during your stay. We have a generous training reimbursement, and you may earn additional money by working on our pre- or post-camp crews.
What is a typical daily schedule?
  • 7:30 Reveille & Morning Dip
  • 8:00 Flag Raising followed by Breakfast & Cabin Clean-up
  • 9:30 & 10:20 Morning Activity Periods
  • 11:30 General Swim
  • 12:10 Relaxation
  • 12:30 Lunch
  • 1:15 Rest Hour (counselor free time after settling boys in cabins)
  • 2:25 Counselors return to cabins to check in with boys before afternoon activities
  • 2:30 and 3:30 Afternoon Activity Periods
  • 4:30 General Swim
  • 5:45 Dinner
  • 7:00 Evening Activity Period
  • 8:30 Bed Bell
  • 9:00 Taps (older boys have late privileges)
What about free time?
Camp counseling can be tiring. You are “on duty” almost 24 hours a day. Most days you will have about 1¼ hours free during “rest hour” after lunch. Full counselors have two nights off a week from 15 minutes after taps (as long as the boys in the cabins are settled) until 12:30 AM, and one day off a week from 7:30 AM until 12:30 AM. Days off are not available during the first and last weeks of camp or on Sundays. Early nights off are available twice a summer from 5 PM to 12:30 AM.
What is available for recreation?
We are located in the center of southern Maine, 15 minutes from Sebago Lake boat rentals, lakeside beaches, and Windham’s multiplex cinemas, an hour from great hiking in the White Mountains, 45 minutes from Atlantic Ocean beaches, 30 minutes from Portland (Maine’s largest city), and 40 minutes from Freeport and LL Bean’s flagship store! Many staff members have cars and are willing to share rides on time off. If you stay in camp, you may use any of Agawam’s facilities when they are not being used by campers, following our usual safety rules. Our facilities also include two counselor room lounges, weight training machines, and dedicated internet access.
Why is there a 12:30 AM curfew?
Caring for someone else’s children is a big responsibility. We require our staff to be ready to accept the challenges that each day can present, and recognize that staff members who are up all night will be too tired to safely and effectively care for our campers. We require staff members to be back in camp by camp’s 12:30 AM sign-in and in bed by 1:00 AM, allowing for at least 6.5 hours of sleep a night.
Are there other policies restricting my social activities?
Camp is a child’s world, and children are very observant, so your adult conversations and activities need to be curtailed. You would be surprised by how much campers pick up that we wouldn’t think they could. Smoking, chewing tobacco, consumption of alcohol, and the use of drugs are prohibited on Camp Agawam property or while engaged in camp work outside of camp. While you are on free time away from camp, we expect you to use good judgment and to obey the law. Because you are considered “on duty” any time after the 12:30 AM curfew, any staff member who returns to camp under the influence of drugs or alcohol is disregarding the safety of our campers, and may be dismissed. Anyone suspected of using illegal drugs while employed at Agawam may also face dismissal.
What certifications or experience do I need and what kind of training will I receive?
Good staff candidates should express enthusiasm for working with children and have past experience leading young people or peers. We expect that most staff members will be certified in CPR and First Aid before coming to camp, and those applying for waterfront positions should be certified lifeguards. Training may be offered before and/or during our pre-camp period. Agawam may reimburse Red Cross class costs for our staff members who receive training prior to camp. Trip/nature staff should be trained in Wilderness First Aid.
How can I keep in touch with family and friends?
Email and Internet access are available at camp. Cell phone reception is spotty. Verizon’s service works best. Cell phones may not be used during the camp day, only after taps, and may not be stored in camper cabins. Mail is delivered 6 days a week to your mailbox in our Counselor Room. Personal phone calls can only be made or received during free time, such as rest hour or after taps.
Is there a staff uniform?

Both Agawam campers and staff wear simple uniforms. You will be provided with staff t-shirts, staff polo shirt, and a staff chamois shirt. In addition you may purchase a staff sweatshirt or camp fleece jacket. Shorts and other items are from your personal wardrobe. You must bring 2 pairs of tan/khaki shorts for “formal” camp occasions. We also have expectations concerning personal appearance: Employees are expected to keep hair well groomed and styled professionally; wear one piece bathing suits while on duty or on camp property; not have noticable body piercings other than in ears or side of the nose; display tattoos that are offensive or inappropriate for children. Male staff members should be clean shaven or have a neat beard.