(207) 627-4780

Dear Agawam Community, 

As the director of a camp whose values are unapologetically old-fashioned, I am a bit out of my comfort zone talking about technology. After all, Agawam is a camp that asks campers to leave their electronics at home, along with their phones and watches—smart or otherwise. We celebrate nature and emphasize the kind of personal interaction that can’t come from behind a screen. And our boys are the better for it! In this peaceful, rustic setting, with few distractions aside from boisterous laughter and the sound of the bugle, time slows down, allowing boys to do what generations of Agawam campers have done before them—learn essential skills, develop lifelong friendships, and simply be the best of whatever they are.

This is the foundation of Camp Agawam, and it has not changed in more than 100 years. What has changed, of course, is the world around us. I believe that today’s complexities make Agawam more important now than ever. So here I am, writing about technology, because our new website is designed to bring this story to life—to reflect what makes Agawam, Agawam. 

I encourage you to explore the site, and as you do, I hope you get a sense of this unique place on the shores of Crescent Lake.

“Chief” Erik Calhoun
Camp Director